Blender 3d printing
Blender 3d printing

blender 3d printing

As the book progresses, you’ll get exposed to more robust mesh modeling techniques, modifiers, and Blender shortcuts. The book begins with simple projects to get you started with 3D modeling basics and the tools available in Blender. Whether you plan to print at-home or use a service bureau, you’ll start by understanding design requirements. You will learn modeling for 3D printing with the help of these projects. The final project, a human hand, illustrates how Blender can be used for organic models and how colors can be added to the design.

blender 3d printing

We then explore architectural modeling as you learn to makes a figurine from photos of a home. The book starts with two jewelry projects- a pendant of a silhouette and a bracelet with custom text. This book walks you through four projects to learn using Blender for 3D Printing, giving you information that you need to know to create high-quality 3D printed objects. 3D printing brings along different considerations than animation and virtual reality.

blender 3d printing

Blender is an open-source modeling and animation program popular in the 3D printing community.

Blender 3d printing